miércoles, 21 de septiembre de 2011

Portal de Evangelistas, love letters or Ruritanian passports

Portal de Evangelistas, Santo Domingo Square, the place for love letters or getting a Ruritanian Passport.
On the W side of the square.The building dates from the XVII c, originally was part of the convent complex,  a simple façade supported by plain columns, but later was sold and due to the proximity to the Real Aduana (Royal Customs House) a number of public scribes set up their stalls under the portal, they were called ¨Envangelist¨ as their trade was to write, first they started writing letters of credits and promissory notes, but soon they saw a chance in writing personal letters, specially love letters for the illiterate, at the same time reading aloud to them the letters they received, now days they are mostly into printing and unfortunately it is said that some of them also into forgery, producing University certificates, U.S.A. green cards or Ruritanian passports, there are  no limits for their creativity and craftsmanship.

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