miércoles, 21 de septiembre de 2011

Palace of the Counts of San Mateo de Valparaiso and Marquises of Jaral de Berrio.

Palace of the Counts of San Mateo de Valparaiso and Marquises of Jaral de Berrio.
Venustiano Carranza and Isabel la Católica St.
Built by order of the Countess of San Mateo de Valparaiso and her husband who in turn will become Marquis of Jaral de Berrio, between 1769-1772. it is among the best examples of a noble house in Mexico city, the architect was the renown Guerrero y Torres, the palace has all the construction materials of a Mexican house of that time, volcanic stone for the foundations, light red tezontle for the walls and chiluca for the frames of windows and portals.
The two facades are two stories high and has at the corner a turret, with great rectangular windows with an almost flat arch, providing and almost imperceptible movement, the main portal is of heroic proportions, flanked by ornate pilasters and the coat of arms of the family at the center supported by angels, on top the main balcony. The inside is grand and graceful with a unique helicoidally stairway with two ramps, one for the service, the other for the masters, crowned by a dome.
From late XIX c until recently was the Head Office of Banco Nacional de México, a corporation that has been very important in supporting art and culture in the country, the bank has a outstanding art collection and owns a string of architectonic jewels, acquired by Citibank, the Mexican government reached an agreement with the new owners that no artistic treasures of the bank could be sold or sent out of the country. 

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