viernes, 16 de septiembre de 2011

Church of Regina Coeli

Church of Regina Coeli. Calle de Regina at Boivar. The old conventual church of a Franciscan nunnery, it was established in the late XVIc.  The church we see dates from  the XVIIc and was finally open in 1731 the work of architect Custodio Duran , the main portal has a beautiful relief of the birth of our Lady, the smaller portal is a reduced and simpler version of the first. The interior has splendid baroque altars, the main one of estipites (this column is an upside down  truncated pyramid and became the signature of Mexican baroque), with saints of the Franciscan order,   the evangelists, querubs and gilded foliage producing and inspiring view. You cannot miss the Medina Pizarro Chapel, entering  is just across the nave under an imposing archway, also the work of Custodio Duran with paintings by Villalobos.

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