lunes, 23 de mayo de 2011

Hospital de jesus, the oldest charity in the continent

1.       The Hospital de Jesus. The oldest private charity in the Americas, founded by the conqueror himself on the site he first met Moctezuma. It has been working without interruption for almost 5oo years caring for the poor of Mexico City. It is located on 20 de Noviembre Ave, at the corner of Rep del Salvador, please at approaching the building don´t be disappointed, the hospital lost its north, east and west facades in the late 30´s and the building you see now is not at all inspiring, go though the garage, you will see in bronze letters the name of the hospital, a few meters more you will be in middle of a XVI c. palace with a great staircase and a copy in bronze of Tolsas´Cortes. The upper floor has a mural on the south wall, it is not important, what you want to see is the beautiful XVI c. colored grutesco on top of it. During weekdays ask the nurses to show you the Salon del Patronato (Council Room) or to look through the window into the Director´s office. Then go to the  church, where the conqueror is buried and pray for his soul, that’s the whole idea of this great building, the salvation of the soul of a great man!

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