lunes, 23 de mayo de 2011

The Church of la Enseñanza

1.       The Church of la Enseñanza is often overseen by most of our foreign visitors, it is located on the street of Donceles, half a block from Hotel Catedral, between Brazil and Argentina streets. The church, convent and girls school were founded by Sister Ignacia de Azlor y Echevers, daughter of the Marquis of Aguayo. The Church dates from the second half of the XVIIIc and its attributed to Architect Guerrero y Torres. The façade in Neostyle baroque is splendid, the first body with columns flanking Saint Michael and Saint John Nepomuk, on top,  pairs of columns frame the sculptures of Saint Ignatius and Saint Benedict, above the mixtilinear arch you will find Saint Joseph and infant Christ, then the Choir window with the image of our lady of El Pilar to whom is dedicated the Church,  at the top the representation of the Trinity. The interior is the triumph of the exuberant baroque, the high altar is gilded with a number of great ¨estofados¨, the Choir is magnificent as the rest of the lateral altarpieces. A most see!!!

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