jueves, 26 de mayo de 2011

A great museum in a beautiful square!

1.       Museo Nacional de Arte (MUNAL) . The word ¨National¨ in the name of the museum implies Mexican, 95% of the Works of the exhibition were made in Mexico by Mexicans, quite an achievement not easily repeated in other parts of the world. The collection is divided in two floors, the second floor devoted to the rich vice regal collection of paintings with works by Arteaga, Rodriguez Juarez, Echave, Villalpando, Cabrera etc., the first floor comprises paintings and sculptures from the XIX c. to the first half of the XX c., among them several Landesios and Velascos the two main representatives of the Mexican School of Landscape, that together with the Hudson River School will  come to be the best in the Americas in this field and then a number of artist that greatly contributed to the arts in Mexico, among my favorites, Rodriguez Lozano, Zarraga, Calusell, Fuster, Atl, Abraham Angel, Ruelas, Saturnino Herran and many others. Quite refreshing as the visitor will see that regarding art there is far more to see than Diego and Frida.
The building is a Chicago style structure from the 1900´s covered in stone in an eclectic style of great and noble proportions, the work of Silvio Contri an Italian architect by order of president Porfirio Diaz and initially housed the Ministry of Communications and Public Works, turned Museum in 1982. In front of the main gate you will have the chance to appreciate the equestrian sculpture of Charles the IV by Tolsa, one of the three great sculptures of its type in the world.

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