lunes, 2 de enero de 2012

Palace of the Marquis of Buenavista, Museo Nacional de San Carlos

Palace of the Marquis of Buenavista. Built by Tolsá, by order of the Countess of Pinillos and Marchioness of Selva Nevada for her son the Marquis of Buenavista, it was finished in 1803, neoclassical with some baroque influence. It has a beautiful concave façade and the only elliptical courtyard from the XVIII /XIX cc in Mexico City, it has two facades the main one to the north and the second to the south looking to what remains of the garden. The palace houses the National Museum of San Carlos, custodian of the European art collection of the nation, the core of the collection is the legacy of the Royal Academy of San Carlos of Noble Arts (1780), the collection for American or European standards is modest, but very tasteful, with great examples of Flemish ¨tables¨, Sánchez Coello, José de Ribera, Tintoretto, Zurbaran and others. Not very often visited by foreigners, it helps to complete the view of the neoclassical city and to have a more rounded panorama of Mexico City art collections.

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